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3.Luo Qiang, Vice Governor Of Sichuan Province, Investigates The Economic Operation Of Injet Electric

On September 24, 2021, Luo Qiang, the vice governor of Sichuan Province, visited Injet Electric to investigate the operation of the industrial economy, emphasizing the need to conscientiously implement the decisions and arrangements of the Fifth Plenary Session of the 19th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the spirit of the 9th Plenary Session of the 11th Provincial Party Committee, with innovative Drive and lead high-quality development, solidly promote the stable growth of production, expansion and stable growth of enterprises, further consolidate the industrial foundation by recruiting large and strong, support the intelligent transformation of factories to deepen and solidify, and continue to do a good job in the normalization of epidemic prevention and control and safe production.


Wang Jun, chairman of Injet Electric, accompanied him to visit the company’s exhibition hall and production workshop. During the investigation and visit, Chairman Wang Jun introduced the company’s product research and development, market expansion, transformation and upgrading to Vice Governor Luo Qiang. After listening to relevant introductions, Vice Governor Luo Qiang affirmed Injet Electric’s production and operation and technological innovation.

Vice Governor Luo Qiang emphasized that it is necessary to make precise efforts to stabilize growth, focus on achieving the goal of “carbon peaking and carbon neutrality”, and make greater efforts to provoke the backbone of industry and make greater contributions to green development and local economic growth. It is necessary to encourage and support enterprises to increase investment in technological transformation such as intelligence, aim at the frontiers and trends of technological development, and strive to achieve technological iteration and disruptive innovation. It is necessary to concentrate on attracting the big and the strong, make precise efforts to strengthen the chain and supplement the chain, promote industrial transformation and upgrading, improve quality and efficiency, and drive high-quality development with large and good projects. It is necessary to strengthen epidemic prevention and control and safety management, strictly implement various rules and regulations, build a safe production line of defense, and effectively improve the level of enterprise safety development.

Post time: May-27-2022

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